• Common Sense Education at WDS

    WDS is on the road to becoming a Common Sense School and you, as a parent, are an important part of this, as we join efforts to help our students become aware and knowledgeable about digital citizenship. On this page you will find resources and information about digital citizenship and how family plays an important role in helping our students use technology responsibly. 

    WDS está en camino de convertirse en una escuela de Common Sense y usted, como padre, es una parte importante de esto, ya que unimos esfuerzos para ayudar a nuestros estudiantes a ser conscientes y conocer sobre la ciudadanía digital. En esta página encontrará recursos e información sobre ciudadanía digital y cómo la familia juega un papel importante para ayudar a nuestros estudiantes a usar la tecnología de manera responsable.

    Common Sense Education Family Activities/Actividades Familiares

    Managing TV Shows, Videos, and Apps with Young Kids

    Spanish: Managing TV Shows, Videos, and Apps with Young Kids

  • Family Tech Planner 

    You can use this planner to spark conversations and set expectations about screen time as a family.

    Puede utilizar este planificador para iniciar conversaciones y establecer expectativas sobre el tiempo frente a la pantalla en familia.

    Family Tech Planner-Click Here For More Information

    Parenting in a Digital Age Video


    Common Sense Education For Parents

    Click Here For More Information