• Service Record Information

    New Employees to the District with prior School District Experience

    If an individual has previous experience in an accredited public or private school entity, an original, official service record will be required. Salary credit for experience earned at another district (In-State or Out-of-State) will not be granted until the original service records are received and verified. Once hired, an official service record will be requested from the previous school district. If an individual has obtained the service record from the prior district, they must provide the original, official service record(s). Previous years of service and Texas state leave days will be taken into consideration.  Please Note:  Clint ISD will initially request service records, however, it is the responsibility of the employee to ensure that service records are received.

    Service Record Requests

    Employees leaving the district can request an official service record to be sent to the new employing district. Please fill out the following: Request for Personnel Record (Service Record) Form provided.  Please return the completed form to the Human Resources Department at Clint ISD Central Office for processing. Please allow 10 to 30 business days for processing.  Please Note:  Clint ISD will provide one original service record only.  If the district has previously provided an original service record for you in the past, please contact your most recent district to obtain the original service record(s) from them.

    If you are a current employee of the district and need copies of your service record(s) for adding additional certification through an educator preparation program during the current school year, please contact Yolanda Perez. Below is the contact information.

    For any questions regarding certification and/or service records, please contact:


  • Central Office
Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School"