- Clint Independent School District
- State A-F Accountability
Accountability and Testing
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A-F Accountability System & State Assessment Information
The 2023 accountability reports are not yet publicly available. The release of these reports
is pending judicial ruling and decisions from the 88th Legislature during a special called session.2021-2022 Accountability Data from TEA Website:
Lookup any district or campus data here.
Elementary Schools
- Carroll T. Welch EL , Desert Hills EL, Frank Macias EL, Montana Vista EL, Red Sands EL, WM David Surratt EL
Middle Schools
High Schools:
2019-2020 COVID Updates:
Read the Texas Education Agency (TEA) Communications by Clicking on the Links Below:
03-18-2020 STAAR Cancellation_Coronavirus_FINAL
03-18-2020 TAA_COVID-19 Waiver Request_final
03-16-2020 Governor Abbott Waives STAAR Testing Requirements
2020 Accountability Data from the TEA Website:
All districts and campuses are labeled Not Rated: Declared State of Disaster for 2020.
Visit TXSchools.gov to view the 2019 accountability rating reports for each district, campus, and open-enrollment charter school in the state of Texas.
The 2020 College, Career, and Military Readiness and Graduation Rate reports will be available in the fall with the Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR).
2019 Accountability Data from the TEA Website:
Lookup any district or campus data here.
Elementary Schools
- Carroll T. Welch EL, Desert Hills EL, Frank Macias EL, Montana Vista EL, Red Sands EL, WM David Surratt EL
Middle Schools
High Schools
District Created Reports & Presentations:
2019 Accountability Ratings - Entire District PDF
2019 Accountability Highlights - Presented during PAC & SAC, Site-Based, Leadership Meetings
2018 Accountability Ratings - Entire District PDF
2018 Accountability Ratings - District Board Meeting Presentation (09-20-18)
What is the A-F State Accountability System?
The 85th Texas Legislature passed House Bill (HB) 22, establishing three domains for measuring the academic performance of districts and campuses: Student Achievement, School Progress, and Closing the Gaps. Beginning this year, districts will receive a rating of A, B, C, D, or F for overall performance, as well as for performance in each domain. Campuses will receive A–F ratings beginning in August 2019.
Visit TXschools.org today to look-up how Texas schools and districts performed.
Visit https://tea.texas.gov/A-F/ to find more information and helpful videos on the state accountability system.
Tell me more about A-F Accountability. What's in it?
An overview of Texas' A-F Accountability System and how it
works at a high level.If I'm a parent, how should I use the A-F ratings?
An overview of Texas A-F Accountability System for parents and
How they can use it.