

    Revised on 9-4-20

    CISD Fine Arts on Campus Practice Protocol

    CISD Fine Arts Teachers will await instruction from local government and district

    officials before resuming any and all on campus activities. However, CISD Fine Arts

    directors will plan for rehearsals and activities in preparation for the 2020-2021 football

    season and other performances with the following compliance measures. On campus

    Fine Arts practices will not begin before September 14.

    Staff Responsibilities:

       CISD Directors will communicate plans for practice activities to the Coordinator of

    Fine Arts and campus administrators.  In addition, directors will monitor new

    information on Covid 19 requirements from UIL and District officials.

       CISD Directors will screen themselves prior to going to campus and inform their

    campus administrator if they have a fever or symptoms. Any rehearsals will be

    cancelled if the director is ill or does not pass the screening requirements.

    Students will not be allowed to practice on their own, on campus.

       CISD Directors will maintain a record of attendance for all students at practice.

       CISD Directors will encourage, model, and practice social distancing for students

    and other staff members.

       CISD Directors will, to the extent possible, not allow students to share

    instruments or other equipment.  In a case where students must share

    instruments/equipment, the instrument/equipment must be thoroughly sanitized.

       CISD Directors will monitor the entrance and exit of all students and staff and

    ensure compliance with the entrance and exit plans for the facility.

       CISD Directors will monitor screening processes to ensure that all students who

    report to practice are healthy and symptom free.  Students who do not pre screen

    prior to each rehearsal will not be allowed to participate.

       CISD Directors will not hold “marching activities,” for the 2020-2021 school year.

    Band and Dance performances will function in a “Pep band” capacity. Bands will

    be socially distanced on stands and dance teams will be on the sidelines at an

    appropriate social distance.

       CISD Directors will hold orientation meetings to discuss requirements and

    responsibilities for all stakeholders.

    Student Responsibilities:

       Students will park or be dropped off at the designated areas identified by their

    directors. Social distancing must be maintained at all times.

       Students should report to practices and rehearsals in proper attire and

    immediately return home to change clothes or shower at the end.

       Staff will have a dedicated entrance and exit to limit exposure for entrance into

    the building. Students must strictly abide by entrance and exit protocols

    established by their director.

       If conducting a strictly outdoor rehearsal, directors will designate an outdoor

    meeting place. Students will NOT enter the building unless there is an indoor

    rehearsal for that group.

       Students will check in and complete the screening process each day online

    PRIOR to arriving on campus.

       Students that answer “YES” to any of the symptoms/screening questions are

    required to stay home that day.

       Directors will monitor the online daily check in for any student that answers yes.

    Any student that shows up that has answered yes, will not be permitted to enter

    the campus and will be sent home. Google Forms will be utilized for daily


       No student will be permitted into the building or the rehearsal without completing

    the daily screening.

       Student temperature will be taken prior to being allowed to practice or perform.

      Students must remain outside the building (6ft apart - marked on the sidewalk)

    until their director facilitates the entering and exiting of the building.

       Students must maintain social distancing of 6ft at all times and masks must

    remain on when not actively practicing.

       Students MUST immediately leave campus once they are dismissed.


       Under NO circumstance are parents/siblings allowed to stay on campus during

    the rehearsal period (Outdoor or Indoor).

       Parents MUST stay in their car during drop off/pick up

       No siblings are allowed in rehearsals.

       All students shall sanitize their hands prior to entering and immediately upon

    exiting the building or outdoor practice area.

    Lockers and Restrooms:

    1.  If student lockers are used, they will be sanitized after every rehearsal and

    monitored when students are storing instruments/equipment.

    2.  Students are required to wash hands; utilize the “one in one out” model; sanitize

    hands after exiting; trash cans will be placed near doors to encourage

    student-athletes to open the door with the paper towel used to dry hands

    Disinfection and Sanitation:

    1.  Facilities Cleaning – all facilities will be disinfected and sanitized per industry

    guidelines, before, during and after rehearsals. Emphasis will be given to

    ensuring disinfecting high touch surfaces and surfaces that are used by multiple

    student-athletes, disinfecting between users.

    2.  Enhanced Cleaning – specific facilities in which an individual with a confirmed

    COVID-19 positive has been identified will undergo enhanced disinfection per

    CDC and industry guidelines.

    3.  Disinfect all door handles, music stands, any equipment used in between each

    group or sectional.

    4.  Any equipment must be thoroughly disinfected before and after each use. If a

    student uses a piece of equipment, that equipment must be thoroughly

    disinfected before another student uses it.

    5.  Indoor rehearsal spaces must be mopped at the conclusion of each day.


    Positive Case Mitigation:

       See page 14-15 of the CISD Safety Protocols - Response Protocol

    Flowchart & Step-By-Step Explanation

    Any student who appears to have symptoms or who becomes sick during the day will be

    immediately separated from other students /staff and will be instructed to return home.

    They must immediately follow the above quarantine protocol prior to their return. A

    symptomatic student will be managed as a presumptive COVID-19 positive and all

    precautions will remain in place until testing confirmation is received.


    Requirements for All Practices & Rehearsals:

    Schools must follow all requirements of state and local authorities in addition to the

    requirements below:

       Attendance at practices and rehearsals must be optional for students.

       All schools will take attendance on excel spreadsheet or google sheet and

    will be monitored daily.

       Students should report to practices and rehearsals in proper attire with their

    equipment and their own water, and immediately return home to change clothes

    or shower at the end of the session.

       During practices and rehearsals, staff must ensure appropriate social distancing

    of 6ft, hygiene, and safety measures are implemented.

       Schools must have hand sanitizer or hand-washing stations readily available in

    the practice and rehearsal area. Students and staff should be encouraged to use

    it frequently.

       All surfaces in practice and rehearsal areas must be thoroughly disinfected

    throughout and at the end of each day.

       No clothing or towels may be laundered on site or shared during practices and


       There can be no shared water or food. Students must have their own water,

    sunscreen, caps, etc.

       Directors will create a google form checklist of questions to pre screen student


       Teachers will take temperatures of all students and staff upon arrival for

    rehearsal or performance.

       Schools should plan for entry and exit procedures that reduce the number of

    students and parents congregating outside and/or mixing around the practice

    areas and parking areas. Programs will stagger start and end times, assigning

    students to entries and exits to ensure even distribution of students

    entering/exiting at each entry point, providing guidance to students to enter one

    at a time and wait six feet apart outside the entrance.

       CISD will not be offering transportation services until the district opens for on site

    instruction. Scheduled start date is October 12, 2020.

       Students and staff must maintain at least six feet of distance from all sides

    before, during and after practicing or rehearsing.

       Directors will tape or mark with chalk areas to ensure students are at least 6ft

    apart at all times.

       Schools should limit the total number of participants based on available space to

    allow for the appropriate distancing between students and staff.

       Contact the campus Fine Arts teacher for capacity of rehearsal


       Any equipment must be thoroughly disinfected before and after each use. If a

    student uses a piece of equipment, that equipment must be thoroughly

    disinfected before another student uses it. Schools should limit the use of

    equipment to further reduce the risk of spreading the virus.

       ALL SCHOOLS - Directors will train students on how to properly clean

    and disinfect instruments/equipment. However, in cases where students

    must share instruments/equipment, Directors will take on the responsibility

    to clean and disinfect these items after every rehearsal they are utilized.

    Fine Arts Activities Conducted Outdoors:

    All CISD Visual and Performing Arts programs are encouraged to prioritize the

    utilization of outdoor facilities.  Students will not be granted access to any building if an

    outdoor practice is scheduled unless they are scheduled for an indoor rehearsal as well.

       Students and staff must maintain at least six feet of distance from all sides when

    not actively practicing or rehearsing.

       ALL SCHOOLS - Directors will tape off areas for student participation that will

    separate students to 6ft apart. Directors will monitor social distancing between

    activities and when students are not practicing. Football stadium bleachers will

    be taped to delineate an appropriate 6ft apart in all directions.

       Schools should limit the total number of participants based on available space to

    allow for the appropriate distancing between students and staff.

       Any equipment, such as keyboard instruments, should be regularly disinfected

    during practice sessions. This equipment should not be shared between groups.

    After a group has used such equipment, that equipment must be thoroughly

    disinfected before being used by a different group.

       ALL SCHOOLS - All percussion instruments, larger instruments such as

    tubas and other brass, electronics, microphones, etc.

    Fine Arts Activities Conducted Indoors:

       Students and staff must maintain at least six feet of distance from all sides when

    not actively practicing or rehearsing.

       See distancing protocols for taping of areas for rehearsal performance.

       Schools should limit the total number of participants based on available space to

    allow for the appropriate distancing between students and staff.

       See capacity plans by campus.

       Any equipment, such as keyboard instruments, should be regularly disinfected

    during practice sessions. This equipment should not be shared between groups.

    After a group has used such equipment, that equipment must be thoroughly

    disinfected before being used by a different group.

       See above for instrument sanitation and disinfection.