1. COVID-19 Standard School Process – Athletes & Coaches
      1. Forms – Self-check on district app or form
        • Athletes & Coaches will do COVID questions prior to practice every day
        • Athletes & Coaches will do COVID questions prior to game time.
        • Team Certification form will be provided to administration, athletic trainer or head coach with certification all athletes are clear to participate.
      1. Temperatures
        • Checked before practice every day
        • Checked before boarding team bus. (Coach will certify that all students have been cleared and provide to opponent’s coach)
          • Masks will be required on the bus
      1. Reporting of symptoms
        • To administration immediately to include athletic director
      1. Entrances & Exits for teams
        • Each facility will provide a detailed map
        • Designated entrance to practice each day.
          • Masks are worn upon arrival
          • Social distancing
          • Bring own water bottle
      1. Games: No visitor locker rooms will be provided except for restroom use; one athlete at a time
      2. The home team must designate an area for teams when they arrive and for halftime.
      1. Benches
        • No handshakes or physical contact with opponents
        • Sidelines will practice social distancing
        • On the sideline – masks must be worn at all times
        • Athletes must bring their own water bottles/containers for use during games and practice.
        • The technical area or Bench should be located on the opposite side of the field where the Assistance Referee is located. See the screenshot below
        • The technical area will be limited between the 45- and 25-yard line and 5 yards apart from the touchline. Coaches, players, and bench personnel must stay inside this area.
    Soccer Field image
      1. Contestants
        • Pre-game officials/head coach conference will take place ahead of the game at the center of the field
        • No handshakes or unnecessary physical contact
        • The ball will be cleaned and sanitized periodically by ball handlers
      1. Captain
        • Only one captain or head coach per side for the coin toss in the middle of the field
        • No handshakes and social distancing will be maintained
    1. COVID-19 Standard School Process – Officials
        • The referee will certify all chapter assigned personnel are cleared for participation
      1. Temperatures
        • will be checked upon arrival to the facility- notice will be provided of whom will take the temperature
      1. Reporting of symptoms
        • To association immediately.
      1. Entrances & Exits for officials
        • Each facility will provide a detailed map to indicate


      1. Dressing Facilities
        • The districts will provide space large enough for Varsity game officials to change in before/after games and halftime.
        • If there is not a space large enough, officials will be notified during the week of the game and officials will need to come dressed
        • Schools should provide a secure parking area with a security escort to and from before and after the game if there are fans.
        • Sub-Varsity/Middle School – Not required but a separate parking area is recommended.
      1. Hydration – All Levels of Play
        • Water may be made available.
        1. Officials will enforce that coaches, players, and bench personnel stay within the designated area and do not invade the Assistance Referee area. Failure to comply will result in violators being warned, cautioned, or be sent off depending on the discretion of the referee.