- Clint Independent School District
- Attendance Manual
Documentation Retention
The district must make available and provide to the Financial Audits Division of the TEA copies of all required attendance records within 20 working days of written request by the agency. Failure to provide all required attendance records specific program(s) and/or grant(s) will result in the TEA’s retaining 100% of the district’s Foundation School Program (FSP) allotment for the undocumented attendance for the school year(s) for which records have been requested.
The following documentation shall be retained by date for five years:
- Teacher Roster Reports from substitutes
- Admit passes from counselor, nurse, office, etc.
- Homebound attendance logs
- Sac attendance logs
- Parent Student sign-out
- School activity list
- Doctor verified notes
- Documentation requirements for a student to be considered present for FSP purposes
- Any other supporting documentation to justify attendance entries and/or changes
- Teacher Attendance Verification Report
- Student Detail Report
- Campus Summary Report
- Perfect Attendance Report
- Attendance Reconciliation reports
- Documentation for alternate attendance time for certain student populations
Storage of Attendance Information
Section 1.3 Student Attendance Accounting Handbook
- Information for all FSP attendance reports must be available for audit purposes for 5 years from the completion of the school year. Superintendents, principals, and teachers are responsible to their school board and to the state for maintaining accurate and current attendance records, regardless of the attendance accounting system in use.
- Regardless of where attendance records are filed or stored, they must be readily available for audit by the Financial Compliance Division of the TEA.8 Auditors have the authority to examine attendance records for any year for which your district is required to retain records. If auditors detect errors during an audit, the TEA will either assess an adjustment to subsequent allocations of state funds or require your district to refund the total amount of the adjustment when the audit is finalized.