- Clint Independent School District
- Enrollment and Procedures
Step 1- Verify Proof of Residency
- Verify Proof of Residence- used for determining whether the student resides within District boundaries, to be collected upon initial enrollment and when the student withdraws from the district upon re-entry, or a change of address
- Acceptable Documentation
- Utility Bill (electric, gas, water)
- Notarized Statement of Residence Form
- Provisional Documentation
- Current voter registration with address
- Tax records
- Affidavit of parent/guardian that the child seeking enrollment eats, sleep, and maintains clothing and other personal items within the district
- Residential Contract indicating a closing date of purchase within 30 days
*Residency is not defined by an address on a driver’s license, a signature on a lease, or the
address on a utility bill. There are indicators that may expedite verifying residency, but the
absence of such indicators is not conclusive that the applicable person is not a resident. –SAAH
General Attendance Requirements
Questioning Residency
- If acceptable documentation is not provided, a student may be
provisionally enrolled for 30 day pending verification
- A student Residency Questionnaire must be submitted to Federal Programs for
verifying homeless status, if qualified, proof of residence is not required
- Per law, if student’s parents are divorced and live in two different districts, the student has
the right to attend school in either district, regardless of where the student lives
- For students in grades K thru 12 living out of district, an Out of District Transfer will need to
be submitted to the Department of Curriculum and Instruction and will need to be approved prior to
enrollment. This applies to students transferring within the district as well. The application is
valid for subsequent school years unless revoked by administration. The student will need re-apply
for a transfer if they move out of district and want to re-enroll.
*House Bill 1- Approved application must be on file-This provision entitles siblings of a special
education student to attend another campus from their residency, if the special education student
was assigned to the campus for receiving services. Transportation is not offered
*House Bill 25- Approved out of district application must be on file- This provision entitles a
student who resides in Texas but does not reside in the district to admission if a grandparent of
the student resides in the district and the grandparent provides a substantial amount of after-school care for the student.