- Clint Independent School District
- Enrollment and Procedures
- Parent/Guardian Information- Copy of driver’s license identifying name, address, and DOB is required for the person enrolling a child
- Power of Attorney- If a student does not reside with parents, a notarized CISD Power of Attorney must obtained assigning responsibility for the student in all school-related matters to an adult resident of the district.
- Guardianship- If enrolling under a person with guardianship, a copy of official guardianship documents should be obtained. The guardian becomes the primary family member and parents can be set up as a contact.
(Revocation of either guardianship or power of attorney must be submitted in writing from parent)
- Social Security Number- (obtaining a copy is optional, but should be obtained whenever possible)- will be used as the student’s official identification number while in the district or any other Texas school
- Demographic Form- Required to be completed annually by a parent/guardian. For children 11 years and under, the state law requires the district to request the name of each previous school the child attended. The online Skyward Registration Form may also be considered the approved Demographic Form.
- Home Language Survey- Should only be administered for students new to the district for which a survey has never been completed (in Texas) or if a copy cannot be located or transferred from previous campus. Always try and obtain the original HLS.
- School Lunch Application- Educationally disadvantaged status is determined at the campus using NSLP income guidelines. Parents are not required to complete the application, but are required to sign and return the application.
- Student Residency Questionnaire- Identifies students whose living conditions could possibly qualify under Homeless/Unaccompanied Youth
- Migrant Education Program Survey- Identifies possible migrant students who are moving into the district. Completed forms will be forwarded to Dalia Miranda with Federal Programs