• Please forward this email to your backup or whoever is assisting you with TRex request:

    According to TEA, unless the other district or charter has actually enrolled the student, you should not provide them with the official records. In fact, doing so would be a violation of FERPA. The other district is not entitled to the records unless they have enrolled the student. If a parent/guardian is interested in enrolling the student in a charter that wants to see the records prior to enrollment, the parent can request to you to provide them an unofficial copy of the student's records and you are obligated to provide it. What the parent does with the unofficial copy is their business. That being said, the open enrollment charter should not be pre-screening students.

    Glenn Shelton
    Manager, Data Support
    Statewide education Data Systems
    Texas Education Agency

    In short, you may release records to parents but do not release records to another district/charter school unless the student is actually enrolled.