- Clint Independent School District
- Dyslexia
Special Education
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The Dyslexia Handbook
The Dyslexia Handbook 2021 Update
Actualización del manual de dislexia 2021
El Manual Sobre La Dyslexia
Senate Bill 1153
Senate Bill 1153 states that each year, parents shall be provided notice of intervention strategies used with their students, regarding the provision of assistance for learning difficulties, including the use of intervention strategies. The notice should be written in the parent's native language (to the extent practicable). It must include a reasonable description of the assistance, including any instructional strategies used. Information collected regarding any intervention strategies used with the child, an estimate of the duration for which the assistance provided and the dates on which a report on the child's progress will be provided to the parent.
House Bill 3
House Bill (HB 3) 3, a sweeping and historic school finance bill was passed by the 86th Texas Legislature in 2019 and signed by Gov. Greg Abbott. The bill provides more money for Texas classrooms, increases teacher compensation, reduces recapture and cuts local property taxes for Texas taxpayers. HB 3 is one of the most transformative Texas education bills in recent history.
House Bill 1886
House Bill 1886 went into effect 06/15/2017. Relating to dyslexia screening and testing in public schools, the employment of dyslexia specialists by regional education service centers, the development of a list of training opportunities for educators regarding dyslexia, and transition planning for students enrolled in a special education program.