• Surratt Military Children Purple Up! Day Military Event at EMMS

    School Safety

    For the safety and support of our campuses, Clint ISD and the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office have partnered to have law enforcement officers take an active role in providing a law enforcement presence at all of our campuses. The SRO’s have been an active force in ensuring the safety of our students/staff and have also performed outside their traditional role by conducting classroom presentations on a variety of subject matters. The officers also assist with donations for our Communities in Schools program, as well as counsel students and work with parents to support their parenting skills. The District SRO’s have presented to our students the following presentations:

    • The effects of drugs and alcohol
    • Bullying and cyberbullying
    • Internet safety
    • Sexting
    • Dating violence
    • Assaults
    • Stranger danger (for elementary students)

    Safety is our number one priority. Visit Clint ISD's Safety & Emergency page for more details.