We are excited to announce the rollout of our new Clint ISD Guest Network to provide secure and convenient network access to all district guests. Please note that this is not an open network for visitors, students or employees, the use of this network is strictly limited to district guests only.

    The guest network rollout is only available at the central office and is intended to serve as a test phase before expanding district wide. This initial phase allows us to assess the network's performance, address any potential issues, and gather valuable feedback. Based on the results and adjustments made during this trial, we plan to extend the guest network district wide in the near future.

    Who can be considered a district guest?

    • A district guest is defined as an individual who is visiting the school district temporarily for a specific purpose. This may include guests who are on-site for a limited number of days to demo a product, provide specialized training, or meet with district employees regarding business matters. The nature of their visit is short-term, with access granted only for the duration of their scheduled activities. These guests are not district employees, and their access to district resources, including the guest network, is subject to an approval process to ensure security and proper use of district systems.

    How to request access to the guest network?

    1. Sponsor/Facilitator fills out Eduphoria Room Reservation form
    2. Sponsor/Facilitator fills out the Guest Access From at least 24 hours in advance, https://forms.gle/TCRDTxZhc7wEEgebA
    3. TIS will receive the request and process
    4. Guest and Sponsor will receive an email with Guest credentials
    5. Guest will sign in to the network using provided credentials


    Access Guide:

    Click Here To View PDF Guide