All Clint Early College Academy students will be graduating under the Foundation Plan with the Multidisciplinary Studies Endorsement, with the opportunity to graduate under the Distinguished Level of Achievement Plan for outstanding performance.
Multi-Disciplinary Studies (one of the following) • 4 advanced courses from the Multidisciplinary endorsement areas • 4 credits in each foundation subject area, including English IV and chemistry and/or physics • 4 credits in Advanced Placement or dual credit selected from English, mathematics, science, social studies, economics or fine arts
The Distinguished Level of Achievement must be earned to be admitted to a Texas public university under the Top 10 percent automatic admission law. Students must complete a total of four credits in math, including Algebra II; a total of four credits in science, and completion of one endorsement.
Students are also able to receive performance acknowledgments for outstanding performance in dual credit courses, in bilingualism and biliteracy, on an AP or IB test, and on the PSAT, ACT and SAT.
The TEA Graduation Toolkit will give you a complete description of the high school graduation requirements,college and career resources.
*IB exams and ability to earn a business certification or license are not available at CECA.