Clint ISD Vision, Mission, Goals, Core Values



    Together...we build tomorrow.


    The mission of the Clint Independent School District is to prepare all students to be successful citizens. The District will work in partnership with the community and the family to create opportunities for the student to maximize personal potential.


    • The District will be a model of high standards for student academic excellence.
    • The District will ensure a safe well-disciplined positive learning environment for all students.
    • The District will operate efficiently being fiscally responsible.
    • The District will become the employer of choice in order to seek and retain effective personnel.
    • The District will include parents, community, and business members in the education of all students.


    We Are

    • Committed to student success as a shared responsibility among students, parents, educators, the School Board, and the community.
    • Learner Centered by ensuring that all students receive quality teaching and engaging instruction.
    • Innovative in using global thinking and technology to empower students to become lifelong learners.
    • Nurturing by creating an educational environment where all students are socially and emotionally supported, safe, and valued.
    • Transparent through open communication, leadership, accountability, and integrity.

    Independent School District